Saturday, August 28, 2010

The big prep

We survived the rehearsal, although you two started making "nests" with the dead grass that you picked up off the ground. That's the thing about learning about things, you just find you must participate in it. We have a bird nest in our back yard...well that means you need to make your own nest.

So we let you wander...Then we blocked you in the middle of the table for dinner at Buca.

And actually we had you wedged between Grandma and Daddy.

Keeping busy for awhile with a pen and paper placemat!

I sat across from your uncle Dan and aunt Jen. Apparently I was wound a little tight. Aunt Jen told me to take a few breaths.

I took that advice and spent the last half of dinner with Zoe and Roman circulating between your dad and me. You two enjoyed yourself.

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