Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Good Choice, Dad

So after the Ren Fest, we decided to go out to dinner. I was in no mood to make decisions, so I let your dad figure it out.  He brought us here.

Cowboy Jack's, a western themed restaurant with peanut shells we could throw on the floor.

Zoe could go for that.  And I have to admit, I kind of wanted to shell peanuts just so I could throw the shells on the floor....but it still felt so wrong. 

But what a way to keep you occupied!

[That would be the way to spin this reality you two were as antsy and rambunctious as ever. How many times under the table to the other side? How many times did you hear "don't touch _____", " No, you can't taste it, it's Mommy's SPECIAL drink" :) And I've even forgot (again) that taking you out to a restaurant is a BAD idea, although the louder they are, the better off it is. Except of course if it hits the "I'm covering my ears and crying" decibel level. Then, well then, we're in for a b-a-d time.]

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