Thursday, October 6, 2011

Hadn't been here in a LONG time

Springbrook Nature Center.

Backpacked up and ready to go.

Good buds.

looking for inspiration


Your Dad will know the sound you were making with this face.

Our impromptu stop in the woods didn't last long. There were actually BUGS in those woods.

But it was warming up.  This was just before the halfway, no turning around part. When Zo decided didn't want to walk anymore. Oh boy. "just a little bit more, hon". Liar!

1 comment:

Jane said...

Love the "buds" photo. You sure are exposing the kids to great learning experiences on your adventures. When Mary (aka mommy) was three she was a great little hiker and was dragged along a lot of hiking trails in North Shore State parks. Grandma Jane