Saturday, January 31, 2009

21st Century mummy

I ain't gonna knock what works, but I do have to wince/laugh every time I look at Roman in his Swaddle Me blanket.

It's nice because he can't easily wiggle himself out of it. It has 2 Velcro straps that securely fasten. Yeah, kind of a baby strait jacket. And I say can't easily wiggle himself out because both Mom and Dad have found Roman with appendages coming out. When he's done with it, he's done with it. But the first several nights he slept all the way thru the night, not a peep to be heard. The last few nights he's woken up at 3 and Mom has made the pacifier trip a few times. Then I broke down and brought him to bed to cradle in my arms. I just wanted some sleep! And I'd be lying if I said I didn't like it a bit. kiss kiss. my little boy!

On an unrelated note I'm curious to see how that light streak of hair (I think that's what it is, I'm not sure) develops on the front of his head. You can see it on the black and white photo above, and in a bunch of other pictures we've posted here. I always think of my grade school music teacher who had dark curly hair and a white streak in about the same spot. She was born with it that way. I'm not convinced Roman's stripe will amount to anything or remain, but I do notice it...

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