Monday, January 19, 2009

A hand for Roman & Zoe please

The other day I pulled out a book - What to Expect in the First Year. Every time I do I tell myself I really shouldn't be reading it because Zo & Ro going to do what they're going to do when they do it. When they're ready. It's too easy to overreact if they aren't "measuring up", even though they are preemies and time based milestones get thrown out the window. But still I think we want to compare. Instead I say let us be blissfully unaware and rejoice in the triumphs as they happen.
I did however read about a couple of things that I really never thought about as achievements - but EVERYTHING is. It's really an amazing way we come into the world.
Achievement: Putting their hands together. I've notice Roman doing that, often when he sleeps, tiny hands clasped together. No, I guess he didn't do that a month ago, did he? They are both more aware of their hands but I don't think they realize yet that they belong to them. They don't sit and stare at them yet, but they are beginning to grasp items. I showed R how to swat at one of the musical toys in his crib and he kept on doing it. That day he also enjoyed the rattles on his little booties. That was pretty fun to see the little legs kicking away.

Sunday I tried to get Zoe to interact with her playmat toys. She's not too interested yet. But she will sit and study my face and smile, laugh or scrunch her nose when I try to get a reaction. She's also very interested in observing the world. Let me see what's going on mama!
A very curious girl indeed.

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