Wednesday, January 28, 2009

4 months = joy + lessons

Someday she'll figure out she doesn't have to put most of her hand over her face to suck her thumb. Last night Dad went in and you had the thumb in the mouth but the hand over your eyes. Frankly I find this kind of charming, the lack of dexterity. At least for now.

You two are changing so fast now. You're definitely more interactive.

Yesterday I was trying to remember as much as I could about the day you two were born. It's not that long ago but it feels like an eternity. I remember walking into the hospital from the ramp, it was cloudy outside. It didn't seem real that you were going to be born that day. Even then, with a big belly highlighting your existence, it was hard to imagine you two. Now it's hard to imagine our life without you! You've brought so much joy and so many lessons about what's important in life.

We love you, Roman and Zoe, so much!

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