Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Phase I: the Easter baskets

Matching ones, at that: mElmo!
And lots of other stuff. Grandma Candy was over for a bit the night before when we were assembling them and she cautioned we better be careful. Too much candy? No, just one little chocolate bunny (that 3 days later they hadn't tried). Too much stuff! A couple of toys each, some books, bubbles (buhbbbls!), some little shovels for the still non-existent sandbox...She thinks they'll start expecting it. I think they won't remember a thing - at least yet. But I agree, we really don't need to start a mini Christmas with each holiday!

The sister must have SOMETHING more interesting (just because she has it). We're experiencing a lot of that. You have it, I want it. There are some smack-downs going on in our house. Oddly enough it happens most with books. They love, love, love their books.

Which we all know is good, but how many 100 times can we read the same one (and they do have their favorites). But we do, or we put them high up on the shelf to force moving on to something else for awhile (guilty) .

Breakfast on Sunday consisted of Teddy Grahams and...

...Lucky Charms. I went online to get some ideas for filling eggs. Someone suggested Cheerios, which is good. But then I saw Lucky Charms and I thought that was better. A treat. Something they are not going to get normally.

It almost looks like Zoe is being a dainty eater here, but trust me that wasn't the case. All contents got shoved in the mouth as quickly as she could get them there. And then the hand was out for more (with the telltale sound I can't quite transcribe "uuuh uhhh uhhh").

Gotta wash it down with some MILK. Milch. Leche. Lait. молоко.

And we got to learn how to rattle the egg to figure out if there was something still in it.

You two learned that one pretty quick and made sure to bring the rattling ones to me or Dad so that you could get the goodies inside.

All in all, a good morning.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

On Books and 'a hundred times........': I can still (after all these years) recite most of "Kitten Gray was Nowhere to be found around and about Buttercup farm!" :-)
The shelf is a Good Idea!
Smiles and love, annie
P.S. How very neat they love books!