Sunday, April 18, 2010

Adieu Adieu material things

Time to pull all the "Shtuff" out of the basement and sort for a garage sale time. My goal was to get it done early in the season, when people were anxious to get sale-ing, so to speak. Friday night I went thru all the clothes (and that's mostly what we're selling).

I found the Halloween costumes.

They didn't really fit in my classification scheme. Yes, there's a mildly organized method to the madness. Very mild. But they were sitting on top of the boxes of shtuff in our dining office bedroom garage sale preparation room.

Then Zoe and Roman saw them.
Roman first.

He gave a nice, excited look for the camera.

Then Zoe.

This picture doesn't convey that is was YOUR idea Zoe!

This is the "I can't believe you're making me wear this in the middle of April" look. I'm sure I should brace myself for this one...I just thought I had a good 10 years before it surfaced.

I had both of them check themselves out in the mirror. It's just funny to watch them look at themselves. They thought it was funny.

Despite early indications, Zoe had fun playing Ms Ladybug. I couldn't help but think how much they've changed in just 6 months!

Your awareness...Your vocabulary ("dinosaur" is the latest for Roman..."ice cream" for Zoe!)

1 comment:

Jane said...

Tigger looks bouncy, bouncy, bouncy. Ms Ladybug Zoe already knows how to give "the look". You are keeping the costumes, aren't you? Grandma J