Thursday, April 15, 2010

Sun, glorious sun!

Wow as I write this we had a whirlwind weekend.

I like to trick myself into thinking that this is one of the reasons we live here - winters force a greater appreciation of nice weather. I mean if I were in San Diego would I be chipper because the sun was shining? Yeah, okay it's delusional, but let me have it.

Lots of time for playing in the yard. These pictures were actually from earlier in the week. It was short sleeve weather this weekend. Let's just fixate on that for awhile...

Nice weather, isn't it? Yes, just gorgeous.
Let's kick the ball around some (and walk away from each other).

Plenty of time to pull these funny little green buds off this Pagoda Dogwood tree which is conveniently toddler sized.

Hi mom!


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