Monday, September 26, 2011

And for my 3rd birthday I got...

A new helmet?

A perma-frown? I hope not

Help from Dad? Yes!

And a new red (Cars!) scooter!




I, for one, could watch him all day

That little leg kick

Such concentration

and yet playful.

3 wheels for the 3 year old!

Zoe? She'll take a nap

As "the boy" zooms on by.

Yee haw!

And after a nap, Zo goes in style on her pink Princess scooter, with Dad pushing her. She hasn't mastered the art of a good scooter "kick". Roman, on the other hand, likes to warm up in the house before he goes out by pretending he's on the scooter, leg kicking away... 
You make me laugh.

1 comment:

Jane said...

I LOVE this blog. Can still see Roman scooting around. Grandma Candy sure picked a good birthday present for them. Cute.