Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Vroom vroom!

 Mama left work on Friday and met you and Dad in North St Paul...One way for us to kick off your Mom's week away from work. Sadly, the last "car show" of the season. No!!! Yes. And maybe that's why your Mom and Dad so easily said "yes" to heading on out. It was a last minute deal. I called Grandpa Jon and Grandma Jane and they were headed there as well. So too was your great aunt Jannie. So we spent the evening sitting across from the Holy Rocka Rollaz and listened to a nice mixture of American music.  You just can't go wrong with Rockabilly. Love it. They even played a Stray Cats song. Stray Cats? Brian Setzer? Ever hear the story about your parents seeing Brian Setzer at Lee's? You have? My, how we all invent our own folk lore.

Your dad took the camera and got some photos of cars. Collecting. No doubt he'll make use of it someday. ;)
Roman, well he enjoyed his time.

Fell asleep with a handful of cars even. :)

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