Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Wedding Reception

Are for celebrations. Uncle Rob and great Uncle Ron to the left, to the left. Cake to the front and center. (recurring memory: Never heard this song, and apparently I may be one of few, judging by the amount of people on the dance floor moving right along...)

Some little guy and little girl had a lunchbox full of goodies (Toy Story! Hello Kitty! - hello Kitty;).

Zoe helped herself to the wedding favor - a nice chocolate bar with a custom label. A label your dad worked on by the way. Did you, could you admire his graphic design and production skills? No. CHOC-O-LATE. And a white dress. Amazingly I think we avoided getting it ON the dress.

Lawrida and Roman looking on at Shannon and Grandpa Mike's dance.

Roman and the groom, Mr. S. 

And the bride!
The wedding party got a turn on the dance floor. Where was Zo?

 Out in the lobby. Dismembering flowers with your Dad's cousin Ron's fiancee, Ashley.  Why? Mr. Microphone Man (the DJ) had a booming voice that totally freaked Ms Zoe out.  

The wedding party had an introduction before dinner. I walked Roman and Zoe into the dining room. We made a quick loop back to our seats and by the time we were ready to sit down, Zo was covering her ears and hysterical. We had to leave. I took her outside and we sat in the back of the van for awhile. Roman and Dad joined us a few minutes later. I think Ro wondered where his sister went....So we missed all the speeches and toasts...But we went back for dinner. And didn't stop moving until midnight.

Roman had a good time playing with his new cars.

He had plenty of playmates, including Grandpa!

Mr. Microphone must have been yapping up a storm.

Shameful mama moment: Sometime later in the evening when I picked Zoe up to dance with her and she plugged her nose. Sam Adams Octoberfest beer breath belongs in the realm of stinky animals. Touche, my dear.

And despite the blank look stare, Mr. Roman continued on to rip up the wedding reception floor. Dance floor? No luck, he wanted nothing to do with it. Running circles. And later the kids told me that someone told them to stop running. What's amazing to me is that they were ABLE to tell me this. Did I care that they were running? Apparently not ;) 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

they are gettin so big! Happy birthday!!!!