Friday, September 30, 2011

What to do on a week off (day 2)

Another day, another park.  This one seemed farther out, probably because we had to wind around Lake Minnetonka. It is a pretty drive and I realized (once again) that there are some places in this metro that are truly unique. It ain't our town !  This is where having money would come in handy (but than again... ).

I'd seen this park listed on the Three Rivers site many times. They've got different kinds of activities going on,  a lot of them on the weekends. It always seemed like a fun place for us city folk to visit.  It was.

The big red barn was locked up, but we were able to visit the chickens. You guys know that a rooster sounds different than a chicken. Not sure we've learned to identify one from a chicken. And I use the term "we" literally. Me so dumb. Me learn. Good thing I had kids to go over remedial items like this!

Oh, that smell!

What do you think? Should we take a walk? ;)

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