Sunday, September 18, 2011

I like Candy

I told Zo she had to wave at the nice people in the Popcorn Parade to get candy. This is only partially true. I think she'd get candy even if she didn't wave, but I think you do need to make an effort here, people. Based on a few experiences at work with our Language Club I get the feeling that getting people to become engaged can be a little like pulling teeth. So be nice to these parade people kids and WAVE. A smile is nice too, but beggers can't be choosers.

Score. Sugar at 10 in the morning. What could be finer for a toddler?

Making sure you share it with your twin? Actually that wasn't an issue. You did good there.

The ever popular dum dum

At some point I started putting candy in the backpack. You guys wouldn't have stopped eating it otherwise.

And what is Ro doing? Taking candy out? No, he actually started to help and put some candy IN the bag. Amazing. But it was early in the day and he wasn't feisty yet. :)

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