Tuesday, July 7, 2009

And who did we see?

Mr. Garrison Keillor!

We found a nice shady spot in behind the stage. After the show we just hung around for awhile, waiting for the people to make their way out. It was a pleasant night. In front of us was the stage exit. And a crowd of people. Mr. Keillor spent more than an hour talking to whoever wanted to talk to him. Signing books and the like. Since we were still there and the crowd was down to a handful I suggested we get a picture for the blog. As we stood waiting I noticed that he was really engaging with the people who were talking to him. He let them speak and asked questions. Your mama was pretty impressed. He seems like a real guy. The alternative I don't know, but he seemed genuine.

We introduced ourselves and asked for a photo. He saw Zoe first and asked who she was.

And here's what he said after looking into Zoe's gaze:

Zoe. Zoe.
So Serious.

She gave him the "I don't know you, I need to check you out" look. Serious yes. Previously referred to here as the Chicago Bull look.

He noticed Roman, did the double take and asked if they were twins. Yeah, you betcha. Then back to Zoe.

He asked,
Does she have an umlaut over the e? (nope)
There's still time...


I'd thought about it when we picked her name and actually like it that way, but I figured it would never be right since it's not an easy thing to do on a keyboard (well, it is alt+137=ë, but most people aren't going to bother with that!). I told him it would be her "thing" when she turned 18 and wanted to identify herself as uniquely Zoe. Well I thought that, but only managed to get out something about her and being 18. Okay then. Time to move on to the next person.

Here: a poorly photoshopped picture. I had to move Daddy closer in. I never quite finished with the photoshopping (see the background behind dad). Time, you know!

Here's how far daddy was standing to the right. Sometimes you just gotta do the digital shuffle.

1 comment:

darcie said...

I sooo need to learn photoshop! Just tonight I blogged about needing to know how to photoshop a kid out of one pic and plop him in another!
ah, time...what is that again?