Saturday, July 25, 2009

Happy Saturday.

Dad's working and we're just hanging out at home. We've got some activity tomorrow, so I figured today was a good day to hang around the house. Time for you two to wander around, and today it's mostly been the kitchen. A fascinating place.
One thing I noticed this morning: you have a sixth sense (or just a keen sense of hearing) because anytime one of the doors to a "forbidden" room opens you two are there in a flash. Mom opens the office door to grab something - here comes Roman. "What is this place, and why do they want to keep me out?"
The bathroom is also a destination. Kind of like Hawaii for adults. Small, warm and tropical. There's a beach there too, and the sun shines nicely (it faces East and gets good sun). Huh. If the bathroom is Hawaii, I wonder what the kitchen is. Arizona? Dangers lurk...A dry heat (the stove), some "air conditioning" (the refrigerator) and a doorway that leads to the Grand Canyon (the basement). Where did this come from? I don't know, but it makes me want to go theme-decorate these rooms. Oh boy.

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