Friday, July 10, 2009

Helping hands

This past Wednesday Roman decided to crawl into the bathroom and lend Dad a helping hand. Daddy was getting ready to shave, which reminded me of when I was a little girl and I'd watch my dad shave. Found it fascinating. I'm struck more and more by how new everything is to them. How new? New. It's difficult to go back that far.

Similar thing: On the way to work this morning I heard on the radio a "random vinyl" pick from the early 80's. A song I recognized, but a song I never, ever could have named. "China" by The Red Rocks. I figured I'd do a google search when I got to work. I did, but all I could come up with was pages about Red Rocks in Colorado. That got me thinking about my connections with it. First one that comes to mind: visiting there with your Dad the first summer we met. We went out to Colorado together for an event your dad was working at (I assisted). We drove out to Red Rocks just to see the place. And it was pretty darn Cool. I'd love to see a concert there (and actually bought tickets to see Robert Plant and Allison Krauss there last summer, but our plans changed when you two decided to enter our lives!). Someday. But I thought back to my first exposure to Red Rocks: watching U2's Live at Red Rocks on tv or video sometime in my early teens. What I remember still are the torches that were burning and the dramatic lighting. It felt like another planet. So different than Minnesota.

But now I've seen it and I can't go back to it being new. Not that it's a bad thing it isn't "new" to me anymore, but when I realize how everything you view is context building...well that's just interesting!

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