Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Just call me "Puff Romie"

I've previously mentioned that the twins like to feed themselves. We've been giving them puffed rice. That is the most flavorless, bland cereal! I'm deluding myself that if I keep away the sweetened stuff they won't become little sugar monsters. I don't know why I think this will work. We do eat fruit (and LOVE it). Although I'm sure there is plenty of sugar in fruit, but there's something comforting in that it is part of the actual food, not added.

Roman wastes no time when food is put in front of him. He grabs a handful and tries to shove it in his mouth.

When his high chair tray is empty it doesn't mean he's done. Nope, just sweep it off his face and there's plenty more to shovel in.

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