Sunday, July 5, 2009

Here's Roman. He likes to move around.

Here is Zoe. She likes to observe (and move around too). I always thought she'd be the first to talk. Looks like I was right. She's saying mama! Well mamamamamamamama...and not probably totally directed at mama, but I'll take it! We've heard it before, but tonight in her high chair she was on a streak. Later I was giving Roman a bath, with Zoe outside the bathroom (still in her high chair). She said "mama" again. I looked back at her and got a big grin.

For the past week or two Zoe has been moving her mouth like she is in the video, but without saying anything. You can see she's still 'filling' in with the silent 'mama'!

By the way. Finger food is easier because we can give them food and let them go to town, but finger food is not easier because at least half of it ends up other then in their tummy! Roman had a pile of peas and bananas on his bib and surrounding him in the high chair. Bath time!

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