Friday, July 3, 2009

I feed myself!

The last couple of days we've attempted "finger foods".

The verdict: It is a learned skill.
Fringe benefit: It's pretty funny to watch them try to get the food in their mouth.

I started with some "puffs" which are really cereal like nuggets. A lot of those made it in the fingers, but got stuck on the hand. They seemed to like the ones that got in the mouth.

Next came canned peas. I tried that yesterday. I think more ended up on them or next to them on the highchair than in their mouth. Today we added bananas. Mmm. Good, and messy!

Tonight we did peas again, first course. Not knowing how much they actually got I heated up some pureed peas as well. I think this confused Roman. I'd give him a spoonful and then he'd bring his hand to his mouth like he was feeding himself. Okay. If you say so. Makes for a messy boy!

Zoe, on the other hand didn't have this problem.

Just a little next to the nose.
She's more adept at picking up the small pieces. Not so sure she's getting them all to her mouth, but the ratio of spilt peas is definitely less on day 2.

Way to go Zo!

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