Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Wednesdays are the best days.
Okay, to be truthful Wednesdays aren't ALWAYS the best days, but more often than not. It's when I'm home with you. Today's good.

We've actually got the house configured so that the kids can move around a bit. It's not a big house (and that's the topic of conversation lately between mom and dad - I think what I really, really want is a dining room and room to have people over....ETC, more on that later I suppose).

At any rate it's fun to let you two wander thru the living room, down the hall and in the kitchen. I think we're pretty baby secure in what's out there.

This morning as I peeled carrots in the kitchen I pulled out a couple of pots, a couple of lids and a metal bowl. I showed you how to bang!bang!bang! I may live to regret that, but every kid needs to sit on the kitchen floor and pound out a rhythm. You're not there yet, but there'll be a day. It's fun to have you around while I do something. If that makes any sense.

Now you nap (lets see if it's longer than the 30 minute one this am!). Meanwhile I have the ipod on shuffle (Robert Plant and Allison Krauss plays now) and I sing when a song comes on that so inspires me. You two think that's pretty funny. Good thing daddy isn't here, he doesn't care for my singing! I just want you two to enjoy life. I really do. Dance like no one's watching. That one I never mastered. You two will. Right? I can't wait until you're a bit older and we can take you out to the Octoberfest at the Gasthaus in Stillwater. I'm going to make it a family tradition. I still remember when your Uncle Andy was little and danced to the band. Very cute. Very funny.

At any rate, on to the pictures.
Mom's had a bit of caffeine today, can you tell? :)

Sometimes a box if all you need to entertain yourselves.
The lid to the paper box, and the toy that's in the background. We've got two of those toy boxes out- not yet opened. I finally figured out we have batteries for the one pictured, so when we get bored we've got a new toy ready.

Your grandma Candy brought two other toys last week - one a musical one that's pretty darn cool. You push the buttons and can control which instruments are playing. I'll have to capture that one in action. Another one that's still in the box. You two visit it everyday in the kitchen. We'll leave it that way until the novelty wears out. When you see it actually does something, well I don't know what you'll do. Pee your pants? Sorry, bad joke. My humor.

Time to try on hats. Somehow Zoe has ended up with 6 or 7 and Roman's down to 1 or 2. I finally packed up the baby knit hats and put in the "do something with this later" pile in the basement. It's sad to get take the little pooh-eared hats out of the rotation, but you two are growing so big and we're so happy for it!

Last Saturday we took a brief stroll thru the Maple Grove art fair. We ran into a dad with his twin girls. We had to stop and chat. When he saw Zoe and Roman were wearing hats he commented that he was impressed they were still on their head. Initially I thought he was talking about the wind.

Zoe has started to get in the habit of taking it off her head.
It's much better to chew on than wear, mom!

Okay, lets put Zoe IN the box. Why not?

See, Zo, that's how small you were! And you were even smaller when you were born. I often look at you two now and wonder at how big you've gotten. Yeah, I know you aren't really big, but it's all relative!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wednesdays are indeed special when they produce photos like these! i really got my roman and zoe 'fix' just now--great camera work combined with such photogenic subjects!
love, annie