Sunday, July 5, 2009

Kiss the babies, really?

At the Prairie Home Companion show in Avon, MN Ms Amy Klobuchar was in the crowd.

Who's that? Only time will tell if she gets more of the spotlight, but I seem to think I've seen here on national tv a few times. The senior senator from MN, that's who she is. And the only Senator from MN for the last six months (until this week - thanks Al and Norm). I suppose that's an historic thing for you guys. No Senator while the ballots from last November were counted and recounted. Yeah, that's about it.

Amy was shaking hands and walked right over to Grandma Jane and Zoe. Grandma asked if politicians still kissed babies. I did my grown up version of "oh mom, really?" (basically an silent, undetectable wince). They sure do.

Here is Zoe with Amy.

First thing she did? Rip off Amy's glasses. Yes, no lie.
Then I think she grabbed her neck. I kind of missed that, but heard Grandma Jane apologizing. I was trying to bring Roman over to get a photo. Blog photo op. Doesn't matter what your politics are. She's a Senator. Gotta get the picture.

And both babies, of course no one is looking at the same camera or anything. Why would we want to do that?

By the way, I picked up the Sunday paper off the front step this morning and what did I see on the cover? Al Franken kissing a 4 month old baby. No kidding.

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