Saturday, July 18, 2009

Watching the world go by

The other week I decided to open the front door, I thought the kids might enjoy looking out. Yep, they did. They do. Roman slobbered all over the door. Zoe didn't stand, but she has been pulling herself up to standing position on her own. It's all very precarious and we still have the wham! to the floor moments, but they're both getting better. I can totally see myself bubble-wrapping the house though. That would be nice.

Tonight we went and got some foam padding for the coffee table. After a couple tumbles today I couldn't stand it anymore. We've been using a home-made version for the last month or so. I was so proud of our ingenuity, at a dollar store price. Yeah, for you kids no expense is spared (!). How do I explain it? Foam pool "noodles" sliced in half like the letter c that hug the table rim (and the crib bumpers on the bottom).

It's totally fine for head bumps, but both like to pull themselves up and since they aren't really attached it makes for a unreliable holding spot, to say the least. We thought of some improvements, but hey, we sprung for something "real" (purposefully made for its use). We could get rid of the table, but since it's where we adults eat all our meals we're trying to avoid it. Next house: eating area.

I'm ogling strollers too. I didn't used to get why people spent so much on strollers when you could get used ones at such a reasonable price, but I must admit I'm coveting some of those fancy schmancy strollers out there. The one we're using was free (woo hoo, from a coworkers daughter who has twins). It works, but minor features don't function (cupholder, anyone?). I told Mike it's kind of like being jealous of someone's house. Or car, he said. Exactly (except I don't much care about cars, but your dad sure does!). I'll get over it. OR I'll find a cool one used for a lot less than Babies R Us wants. Yes, that's the ticket.

1 comment:

boocal said...

I never understood the crazy expensive stroller thing even with my first two (maybe they weren't out there as much) But with Frankie I am so jealous of some of the strollers I see. But, then I get a grip and realize she will be a happy girl in her cheapy stroller as long as we are out walkin or doin stuff. The 400.00 version won't bring her any more happiness.