Saturday, July 11, 2009

Summer fun continued

Our nearby suburb (Maple Grove) has a festival this weekend. In fact I think many do, but we took part in one last night.

The kickoff night was family centered. It started with a Diaper Derby. Anyone in diapers (wait, that might need an asterisk) could enter to win the race. Crawlers got to go first, but due to the number of kids, Zoe and Roman were split up. No competing against each other this time.
Zoe was first. Mama had you at the starting line and Daddy and Roman were at the finish.

On your mark, get set.

No go.
All 5 babies just sat there.
I was sure Zoe would eat the grass, but no. She was a little confounded by all these people standing around. Had I been a little more prepared (or thinking - swish that hair around and she'll come running!) maybe I could have coaxed her to me. It didn't work. Dad was waiting at the finish, but I don't think she saw him.
Zoe didn't win.

Next was Roman's turn.

Same thing.
Although these kids moved a little faster.

Next year- maybe the toddler dash.
Next up- the kids parade.

1 comment:

Jane said...

I'll have to bring my stop watch when I babysit and work with the kids. I would have thought Roman would win the contest easily. He sure can move. Maybe a little more coaching before the next race?
Wish I had seen that.
Love ya. Grandma J