Tuesday, July 21, 2009


When I'm home and get to feed you in the morning we have fun making formula. Usually I put you two in your high chair and I go mix the formula. We make 30 oz at a time in a plastic bottle, enough for 4 bottles. I put in the first 7 scoops then I stir. The stirring makes a rhythmic sound, it reminded me of horse hoof beats. So some time back I decided to sing the melody to Bonanza ( I think it's Bonanza, but I wouldn't bet my life on it- yes). Zoe and Roman smile. Now when I start stirring they both look at me with a grin, waiting for the song to begin. So let the Bonanza theme be your intro to the West.

Your mom and dad love the West. Your mom and dad will no doubt tell you endless stories about their "Qwest trip". Over and over and over. I told your dad one of my motivations for this blog is the result of not taking better notes or journaling during our "Qwest trip". It's only been 5 years, but I've forgotten a lot. I don't want to forget any of these days.

I was started a project yesterday, in anticipation of your first birthday. I started going thru all your pictures. When I took a break I realized that you are not going to have the same appreciation of these pictures that your dad and I do. What I felt at that moment of realization is hard to explain. As I was looking at the pictures all I could think about was how wonderful you two are.

Then I think of all the years I didn't feel that way about myself. Advice to you: Don't waste your time not liking yourself. Embrace your quirks, be yourself. You both ARE wonderful. Life isn't easy, but it doesn't have to be miserable either.

Meanwhile, in an ode to the West the kids both got cowboy hats. Too big, so we've got lots of time to take pictures...

I'm the meanest, toughest, stinkiest cowboy in these here parts.

Okay, I'm not mean or tough, but I might be stinky sometimes.

This cowgirl is still practicing her parade wave.

Looks like rain!
In the house, Zoe?

Why not, mama?


Jane said...

Won't you have fun taking them "out west" when they are old enough. Zoe can hit high notes that will echo off those canyons. By then Roman probably won't get scared when she belts out in song.
I think he may have a career as a Grand Old Opry star himself. He sure likes the cowboys hats and was facinated by the sequined tee shirt I wore yesterday. Those Opry cowboys can wear some pretty flashy duds. Grandma Jane

Jane said...

Is Zoe praying for rain? With the backlighting in the photo, she looks like a child evangelist. Might have a career preaching on TV or in tents ahead of her. Grandma Jane

Anonymous said...

Roman looks like a miniature Kenny Chesney.