Wednesday, October 6, 2010

2nd Birthday! 2nd Birthday!

Now for part 1 of the real birthday. You know I guess I never explained your Dad's availability at home. His work has been sporadic for quite awhile. Looking on the bright side: it's been more time he can spend with you. And more time I can spend with him on those fabulous Wednesdays I don't go to work. I am SO fortunate. I remember that every week.  I know it won't last forever. At any rate, your dad was home on your birthday and we were able to take the bikes out to Fort Snelling State Park.

 We stopped at this point because you could actually see part of the Fort. I lived pretty close to this park until 5th grade and I think we went to the Fort just about every year on a field trip. I figure when you get a little bit bigger, we'll go. For some reason what I remember is the one room schoolhouse and the exhibit about surgeons. Gruesome stuff back then.

We ended up biking over to Minnehaha Falls. Again, a spot I was familiar with as a child. And again, it'll be a nice spot to go back to and  spend some time meandering the trails. We continued onward because it was lunchtime....Since I hadn't been over there in awhile I wasn't sure which way to head. We ended up across the river in Highland (St. Paul) at Baker's Square. A good place to stop on your birthday. And that day they were offering a free slice of pie with your meal. Woo hoo.
 Daddy ordered you what he was having. Some kind of cream cheese apple concoction. Yeah, you liked it (whipped cream- that went first!)

And yes, even though you are two, I still consider silverware optional during events like this. Even in public (gasp!)

Bon appetit!

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