Friday, October 22, 2010

Streetcar Saturday

Last weekend we went back to the streetcar - this time to get our pumpkins! $4 gets a ride and a pumpkin. Grandma Candy had the day off, so she came along for the fun.

I think it was an even nicer day this time, but the windows were shut, so Zoe got to sit on her own. Next to Grandma of course.

I took hold of Roman, though. :)
You two are getting SO observant and talkative. Daddy drove by a house with Halloween decorations this week and the talk was all about ghosts and....
Got ya.

I think you two were slightly less trepidatious about this trip. Getting to be old pros...

Thru the tunnel... Old hat.

And in the end we had 3 pumpkins.

And unfortunately Grandma Candy had a bruised ankle. Stepping off the train to pick our pumpkins from the "patch" (as it were), she stepped wrong and fell down. Oh no! Zoe was right there to make sure Mima was okay. Embarrassed, bruised and upset it happened...but no broken bones (thank goodness for that!).  I told your Dad next year it was his turn. Last fall I sat down at the picnic table at the orchard with Zoe in my arms and tipped the table over. Yeah. That's a good one.

P.S. Your dad is asleep before me. This happens about once every 2 years. I don't think he's even sick (which is usually what accounts for it). Working hard at his new (full time) part time job...

1 comment:

Jane said...

Did Mike juggle the pumpkins?