Friday, October 15, 2010

great pumpkin charlie brown-get out there and see some fall color tour 2010

Aamodt's! in Stillwater. Out by Grandma and Grandpa's house, and close to where I spent my junior and senior high years. This is a nice place to visit because it's not too huge. And maybe we just hit it at the right time - late afternoon when the early birds were long gone or on their way out the door.

Just inside we found the tractor riding area- perfect for people your size and a few years older. What is it? The tennis court with a collection of small vehicles that you can ride. One dollar each? Sure. Sounds good (worth the price for the pictures we were able to capture while you were focused on your ride!)

Look Roman! Look at that one!


We did take a hayride thru the trees, but then got out and walked thru the vineyard ("bubbles" as you like to call grapes).  Zoe was right on top of the opportunity of picking her very own.

And apples! Everywhere!

Plenty for your dad to juggle. I had no idea.

Zoe got a kick out of it too.

And a crate out in the middle of the grove. A perfect prop for a nice portrait among the trees. But it's more interesting to look at what's under the crate.

Or more interesting to climb IN the crate once you've flipped it over.

And to try to share this open space.

Nope. Sharing didn't work. In fact it resulted in some wrinkled, pouty, mad faces (but we won't share that now).

But Zoe did get her turn again.

 Time to move on.

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