Monday, October 11, 2010

Daddy's fall photos

Your dad is making use of the new camera

We had a circle of this around our ash tree. They popped up one day and just kept popping up.  Very interesting looking.

 Nice closeup, Dad!

The last two are of the Como Harriet trolley, which we rode on Sunday. More of that to follow. Your dad likes to take the camera sometimes. He doesn't like me to delete anything, even if it's blurry. My goal with this camera was to actually delete pictures that weren't good. It's funny, because when you were born most of the pictures turned out fuzzy or had bad light - not usable, but I couldn't bare to delete any of them. I'm getting a little more comfortable with it now (how many thousand pictures later?!).  Your dad, he's a keeper (just look at our basement! It's closing in on itself. Yes, dear Dad, I know it's not all your fault). At any rate your dad and I are still working out how to share. Let's just put it at that. When I got to the point where my memory card said "full" and I wasn't done taking pictures, I took the liberty of "DELETE"! and was read the riot act. Ah, kids. There is always room to learn. All of us.

1 comment:

Mary said...

According to uncle Dan, via your dad the mushrooms were in a Fairy ring:

Fairy rings also occupy a prominent place in European folklore as the location of gateways into elfin kingdoms, or places where elves gather and dance. According to the folklore, a fairy ring appears when a fairy, pixie, or elf appears. It will disappear without trace in less than five days, but if an observer waits for the elf to return to the ring, he may be able to capture it.

I think Tinkerbell was visiting!!