Thursday, October 7, 2010

That takes (the place of) the cake.

 We spent your actual birthday dinner at home. At this point I don't even remember what we ate, but I do recall the dessert!  Zoe was tired, cranky and not too happy. Daddy thought he could change that with your birthday cupcake.
 Not so much for Zoe, but Roman's face lit up (we have it on video, it's pretty funny). Zoe, just not too happy.

 Until she was able to get a taste of the frosting.

 That seems to be the first part to go.

 Look ma, no hands!

All clean (the cupcake that is)

And there's always time to "ching" the cupcakes. A toast to another eventful year.

 Happy Zoe, Happy Mommy, blaaaaaaah Roman.

Another year in the ChezDeux.blogspot "books".

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