Friday, December 19, 2008

Early christmas goodies (Roman)

Okay Mom, I've had my bath, I've had my bottle and I'm patiently sitting in my chair. It's Friday night, what have you got for me?

A book from (honorary) aunt Kitty! Woo - hoo! And it has Pandas in it. I wonder how she knew I loved Pandas?! Hmm. I wonder too Roman.

Little Panda is made of fabric and is machine washable? You mean I can spit up on it and it isn't ruined? Really? How did (honorary) aunt Kitty know that would be useful? Hmm.. I wonder.

I am so happy looking at the Pandas (or pretending to look at Pandas while mom takes picture after picture of me. With flash, without flash. And she _just_ figured out that if she centers my head in the frame that will be the focus. MOM, you are so....silly).

This is a good Friday night. Thanks (honorary) aunt Kitty!

Now is the time I sleep. This fake reading/photo shoots are grueling!


Jane said...

Oh, those pictures of Roman are wonderful. Made me lonesome. You even got him without the Nuk and in Panda heaven.
"Honorary" Aunt Kitty by introduction but should be known just as "Aunt Kitty" henceforth.
Grandma B

Anonymous said...

Yeah! I am glad they liked their books! They both are so adorable! I feel very lucky to be deemed Aunt Kitty of those two little munchkins! Yippee! I get to spoil them and teach them fun things to annoy Daddy and make Mommy laugh!