Saturday, December 6, 2008

Saturday night's entertainment

Sometimes just sitting on the couch is entertaining.
And this is the best - two kids cuddled up. I took a nap this afternoon with both of them sleeping on my chest. I had to actually wake them up because they were going on 4+ hours since they'd eaten and I sure didn't want them making up for it in the middle of the night. It was a good day. The only bad part was that Dad was gone most of it, but he's off (hurrah!) tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Mary and Mikey!
Your two are just adorable! Pam, Mikey's step mom sent me the link to your blog. I am Pam's sister-in-law, Amy--I married her little brother, Scott. I also graduated from the same high school as Mikey, but a couple years after he did. Anyways,I just love your videos of Roman and Zoe. Roman reminds me of our son Tyler. Tell Mikey that Scott and I said hi. Hopefully we'll meet in person one of these days. But until then, take care of yourselves and those two cuties.
Amy Gilliam