Thursday, December 4, 2008

Our new ipod selections...

Above is a creation by Daddy, something he made awhile back to amuse Mommy. You see Mommy still has fond memories of Curious George books from when she was a little girl. As Grandma B tells it I loved to go to bed with my "boops" and I recall warm feelings when I look at the 'classic' Curious George books. I loved the pictures. I still do.
When Daddy saw the picture of Wicket he decided it needed some modification. Maybe he'll make another comic book snapshot for us...

In keeping with that (sort of) I decided to update our music selection for you. I made a stop to the lovely St Paul Public Library and found a selection of music for people your age (and some of it for our age too). Among the mix is the soundtrack to the Curious George movie (which you'll be watching in a few years). I listen to it now as I write and you two sleep behind me. Roman in his vibrating chair and Zoe on her play mat. Well, Zoe isn't quite sleeping...

But the music is enjoyable for both of us. This song was actually played quite a bit on the radio when it came back: Upside Down.

p.s. I still love, love, love Curious George and can't wait until the two of you can sit in my lap and have storytime.

pps The cartoon now on public tv is very cute too, I can't wait to watch those with you too!

1 comment:

Jane said...

Grandma B loves the music and the video of a young Curious George. It doesn't seem long ago since I was reading my babies Curious George stories and I remember well Mary going to bed with all her "boops". I progressed to telling original stories about George by incorporating things in your little lives. What fun it will be to tell Roman and Zoe a few of those stories. Maybe I can include the city bus, daddy's garage and visiting Grandma Candy in the big store. I can't wait.
Grandma B