Saturday, December 20, 2008

She smiles!

I finally pulled this outfit out - size 3 months and it's still got plenty of room. This was sent by Mary Beth, my boss' boss, while I was on maternity leave. Her daughter had a daughter this summer, so she knows what's going on!

Oddly enough Zoe's outfit has a squirrel on it. If you ever read my old (current?) blog, you'll know I had something of an eye for "sqvirrel" sightings (posts labeled "aminals", yes I meant to say aminals). So this outfit is perfect.

You tell 'em Mom!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Zoe, I love your smile and your squirrel too! You (and your Mom) would love the gray AZ squirrels that come to the feeder outside my kitchen window and scamper all about our cul de sac!

P.S. I love your outfit too!
