Thursday, December 11, 2008

Just 10 More Minutes

Just another tid bit, everyone who hears that we have twins says "Aww, I would love to have twins" I dont think they realize the work involved. 2 of everything, double the diapers, formula, doctors visits, ilnesses (colds and such) and if you work - double the daycare! Its hard to find a daycare with 2 openings for twin infants. Not to mention the cost..

Dont get me wrong, with twins you get double the blessings, double the memories and fun times. I love our twins dearly... but you also spend twice as much energy. One night in the beginning, when we were both getting up in the middle of the night to feed them, I had just laid my head down on the pillow around 11pm, and Mary shakes me and says its time to feed them again. I groggily shake my head and say "We just fed them!" She laughs and says "Yeah 3 and a half hours ago!" Wha? I look at the clock - sure enough, it says 2:30AM. Where did the time go?

On another nite, not too long ago, Roman was waking around not quite 2:30AM, and having been fed at 12AM, it was not quite 2 1/2 hours. So I get up and give him his pacifier, he quiets and I turn around and go back to bed. As soon as I get my knee on the bed he starts fussing again. Knee off the bed, back to check on him, looking at the clock - Not quite 2 1/2 hours yet, give the pacifier and get back to bed. No sooner do I get my head on the pillow, he starts crying again. One more time, back with the pacifier, back to bed. Just get settled in and "WHHHAAA!!!" I think this kid has a RADAR or webcam or something. Mary shifts and wakes and says" Why dont you just feed him?" and I reply "It hasnt been 2 1/2 hours yet, just give me 10 more minutes of sleep..." and she replies "Kids dont work that way"

No they dont.


Mary said...

The "just 10 more minutes" episode was the night Dad offered to get up in the middle of the night to feed the kids, and let me sleep. Normally once he's asleep that's it, so I took over any getting up in the middle of the night. Dad does better with staying up late. I witnessed something early on when we had a crib in our room that reinforced this was the best method. More than once I'd be feeding Zoe and Roman would be crying mercilessly. Dad didn't stir. It kind of amazed me that he could sleep thru it.
At any rate, even though I was allowed the privilege of not having to get up at night I still heard the kids calling. The bewilderment and amazement professed by Mike "I just fed her!" was pretty funny. Yes, I know how that feels. The merry go round that doesn't stop. You get used to it. And I never thought I'd say that :)

Mary said...

comment two: I remember it being Zoe who was ready to eat, not Roman. But that's a hazzard of twins. It's all a blur. That's why we keep a log!

boocal said...

I am exhausted doing all this with just one, can't imagine two! I think twins seem like a fun adventure, especially if they are someone elses.
I just wanted to say I love your blog I check in all the time and am very impressed how you all keep it up. Your kids are going to love this someday. I have barely managed to post a few pics.
I really enjoy all the stories and pics. Thanks
(Kittys sister)