Saturday, December 20, 2008

First big snow....

We'll have a white Christmas, that's for sure. This is looking out our side door into our neighbors front yard. Thats as far as I venture...

It started snowing this morning and it hasn't let up. Daddy had to work today - he had to drive to Wisconsin to get some foliage (I say that because I'm not exactly sure what he's getting...) for some decorations his work is doing. For New Years I would guess. I think they are done with Christmas.

At any rate...That leaves Mom home with the kids. I accomplished a heck of a lot this morning. Baked some cookies - melting moments. One of my favorite Christmas cookies and pretty easy to make. I also finished baking some peanut butter cookies from dough I made earlier in the week. Those would be Daddy's favorite. And a pan of rice crispie bars with peanut butter in them. Sense a theme?! I just hope you two don't have a peanut allergy!

I also made a tuna casserole (I say hotdish, Dad says casserole) that is ready to heat and eat when Dad is home for the night. Sometimes I really enjoy days like today. Radio on, babies taking turns with the naps. And I got some good photos of you two today!

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