Friday, December 19, 2008

Zoe B

We've explored the resemblances of Roman, so now it's time for Miss Zoe.

Dad always told me about how he was called Pumpkinhead when he was little. Apparently the chubby face and shape of his head warranted the nickname. I'd verify this, but he's taking a wee bit of a nap right now next to you Zoe. At any rate... we both agree that you look more like Daddy than Mommy. You've got the sweetest little chubby cheeks. You're healthy and strong and a good eater and a good sleeper. Hmm, that does sound like Dad.

Dad, above and Zoe below.

There's just something about your demeanor that reminds me of Dad too. A little more easy going and not easily fazed.

Yes, the photo above of Dad is a family favorite.

We all get pictures taken when we aren't expecting it. Proof yet again that Mom's photo shoots are grueling.

And on that note I better go do something besides get caught up on blog posts!

1 comment:

Jane said...

Zoe, pretty Zoe. She smiles when I tell call her that. She had better get used to it. She sure looks like daddy and will grow up to be good lookin like him too.
I love the pictures. Grandma B
(Anyone who had their picture taken in the 70's has to cringe at their clothes. I remember having a pair of purple velour low rise hip huggers that were pretty neat too.)